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QRL Node CLI Wallet - Slave keys

The QRL wallet is an XMSS Merkle tree constructed using the private key to generate leaves. Each "leaf" can also generate a tree of OTS Slave keys that can be used to sign transactions. This allows further expansion of a QRL wallet extending the number of transactions you can process before needing to regenerate a new wallet.

To create a slaves.json file you will need a QRL wallet.json file and a working installation of QRL. See the guide for creating a QRL CLI Wallet

Currently the only way to generate a slaves.json file is by using the command line utility qrl. This can be installed by following the QRL Node Guide. You will need to have shell access and be logged into the computer running qrl.

Create a Slaves.json

To generate a slaves.json file you will need to be connected to an active and synced node. This can be a local node, as well any of the peers shown in your nodes peer list. You also need a wallet to use for the slaves file.

Assuming you have a synced node running on the local computer and a wallet.json file in the local directory you can simply enter:

qrl slave_tx_generate

You will be asked a few questions. You can generate a maximum 100 slaves with a single master OTS key, which is used to sign the slaves.json file onto the network validating the keys.

Src []: 0 # Which address to use in the wallet file. 0 is the first address.
Master []: # Master Address
Number of slaves [0]: # thisNumber*OTS_key_height For tree height 10 (this*1024)
Access type [0]: # enter 0 to allow transactions 1 for secure mining only
Fee [0.0]: # how much fee to pay to broadcast this across network.

Number of Slaves

Tree HeightAvailable KeysWith Slaves.json