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QRL Node Uses

Ruining a valid, up to date node client will, by it's very presence in the blockchain process, help secure the network and any transactions routed through the node.

We have covered the basic functions of the node in previous documents. This document will dive deeper into the uses of a QRL Node.


At the core of the QRL blockchain is a decentralized peer to peer network. This network forms consensus of the current blockchain, agreeing on various aspects like blockheight, previous block header hash (previous block in the chain), transactions included in the block, mining rewards payout address. The network security of the blockchain is dependent on the number of peers validating consensus.

There are known vulnerabilities where the majority of the active nodes in a network are taken over by a malicious actor allowing the manipulation of the chain data being submitted and accepted. This can lead to a variety of exploits for any blockchain. The best solution to this issue is to run as many nodes possible to make the possibility of a bad actor successfully performing any of the attacks this could make possible.

In addition to the network security provided by as many nodes on network as possible, running a node can additionally secure any transactions being made to the chain on a users behalf as well as ensuring valid chain data is provided unmodified.

Transaction Security

Running a transaction through a local, secure node ensures that the transaction can not be modified and will be broadcast to the active and accepted network and chain.

Wallet Functions

One of the main uses of a node is to broadcast signed transactions to the network, adding them to a block that is approved and agreed on through the network.

Any transaction that consumes an OTS key, requiring a signature has to be sent through a node. This includes sending quanta, sending message transactions, notarizing data, or creating a colored token. All of these transactions can be sent through a local node. Depending on how you are interacting with the system, the means to signify a custom node vary, however the functionality is present in all QRL wallet tools

Chain Analytics Functions

To ensure the data provided is correct and provided with no worries of bandwidth a local node should be run to provide this data. This will allow a developer to gather historical data or provide all new chain data to an integrated system.

Mining Functions

A full node can be used to mine the coin directly, using the CPU of the PC the node is being ran on to submit hashes for approval, as well as pooling multiple PC's mining activities through a mining pool.

Broadcasting Transactions

A node is interacted with every time a transaction is sent to the network, no matter the source.

For instance, the wallet software uses a private key to sign a transaction which is then sent to the network via a QRL node operated by the foundation. The node listens for these incoming transactions from the wallet application from users and broadcasts them to be minted into a future block.

When a new transaction is created the node runs through a few verification checks prior to sending the transaction to the mempool. If the address OTS key used to sign the transaction is already known to the blockchain the node will reject the transaction, protecting the address from broadcasting a OTS key re-use.


OTS key information can be found in the OTS Key Documentation

If there are enough funds in the address to cover the fee and any fund transfer the node will send the transaction to it's peers to be added to the next available block.

Chain Data Lookup

When an address balance is looked up or a transaction is verified, this is simply looking at the history in the chain for the address/transaction involved. All of this data is stored on the chain and is validated and agreed upon by a majority of nodes in the network.

These transactions are stored in the nodes chain state files which compose a level database that has been verified through a P2P syncing process. These historical transactions are validated by verifying cryptographic hashes provided by peers on the network.