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Node CLI Wallet - Backup

Backing up a QRL CLI wallet is similar to the GUI wallets offered. Print the secret keys and store them somewhere safe.

Additionally the wallet.json file can be encrypted using AES encryption and stored digitally until needed.


It's recommended that you store a copy of your private keys in at least 2 physical locations in case of catastrophe.

wallet.json Secrets

Secret keys are stored in a wallet.json file when an address is created using the QRL CLI. This wallet file is the same as what is generated in the web wallet and can be loaded there as well.

If the wallet.json is stored in plain text, unencrypted the secret keys are simply contained in a JSON array inside of the file.

open or print the contents of the wallet.json file to get the secret keys, cat wallet.json

{"addresses": [{"pk": null, "hexseed": "010400bc6ab22293abaa631fac6872cd1514aa7961e3de56766518158925ba97bebd50ca7855a5047eca0da6a9042171337ae4", "mnemonic": "absorb drank rust prone caller depict primal cowboy pulsar mare smoky five prime noble threat tile kedge flak berlin mutiny rose leap safer assume know gallop agony twelve audio hit agenda birch crisis quest", "height": 8, "hashFunction": "shake128", "signatureType": 0, "index": 0, "address": "Q01040094e6916e412d5b9e8db40d12c8f8fd224a5a33a31c191850ca6a55b102fdbdcbdcc59819"}], "encrypted": false, "version": 1}

Encrypted Wallet Keys

In the same directory as your QRL wallet.json file enter the following command to print your private key information:

qrl wallet_secret
  • This will prompt for an address from the wallet to print the secrets for: wallet idx [0]:
    • If you only have one address, simply leave default and hit enter.
  • If the wallet file is encrypted you will then be prompted for the passphrase used to set up the wallet.

This requires a QRL wallet has already been generated and is in the local directory. To specify an additional directory location for the wallet.json file use the --wallet_dir {PATH} flag.

After successful decryption the private key information will be printed.

Wallet Address  : Q000600f1afe2a5d8247779795f0eb0d5225e5fe7b91bcb38c614b5a62fa3df0f5cfe92e6355ace

Mnemonic : aback grape latest ace ferry bucket creak safety hour russia parade site donor yeast tunnel dusty odd dirt mutual you brine might two mercy shady print smite wrap swan common coat modify leave tort

Hexseed : 0006007a70174ec1ec32abd66c2bc59ecc9a3eefe7ec14299903d2928ff01da8c0ecf8a6c46aa9ccffd4dbe2ee2d38e57c3e7a

This information is needed to recover your wallet file. Store it in safe locations and ensure the recovery media is correct and opens the expected address.

Anyone with private key information can unlock the wallet and steal funds!

Recover Wallet

In order the recover a wallet, or load one onto a new computer you will need one of three things,

  • The wallet.json file
    • If encrypted, the passphrase to decrypt
  • The mnemonic phrase in the correct order
  • The hexseed.

Without one of these, it is impossible to recover the wallet.

Additionally you will need a wallet application. Any of the QRL wallet applications can be used to recover an address. Load the wallet.json file to the application or enter the secret keys to recover the address.

CLI wallet.json Recovery

If you have the wallet.json file, simply copy it over to the new machine and use the qrl functions as needed. The CLI will recognize that a wallet.json file is found and load the secret keys from the file.

CLI Hexseed

To recover using the Mnemonic phrase use the wallet_recover command. By default the command will expect a hexseed:

qrl wallet_recover

You will be prompted for the hexseed you have saved. Ensure you enter it correctly. The wallet address will be printed and you will have a chance to save it. enter yes and your wallet will be recovered and saved into the directory you are currently in.


This will save your file as an Unencrypted wallet.json file. Make sure you encrypt this file with a secure passphrase you will not lose.

Mnemonic Phrase

To recover using the Mnemonic phrase use the qrl wallet_recover --seed-type command:

qrl wallet_recover --seed-type mnemonic

You will be prompted for the mnemonic you have saved. Ensure you enter it correctly. The wallet address will be printed and you will have a chance to save it. enter yes and your wallet will be recovered and saved into the directory you are currently in.


This will save your file as an Unencrypted wallet.json file. Make sure you encrypt this file with a secure passphrase you will not lose.