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QRL Offline Wallet - Install

The Offline QRL Wallet is not installed like other programs are typically and will work agnostic to the operating system you are running. As long as the browser used to access the files is modern and supports WebAssembly

Quick Start Guide

Use this guide to get up and running quickly.

  1. Download the latest release
  2. Unarchive the files on your PC


  1. Open offline.html in a modern browser (one which supports webassembly)


  1. Run a local web server pointing to the index.html file, eg:
#in a command prompt
npm i -g http-server
http-server offline-wallet-generator/


  1. Generate an Offline Wallet with the required settings (see the QRL Address Options ) for more on these settings
  2. Save JSON/print/save PDF and print later

No internet connection required after files are downloaded and verified.